
SmartRes designs RFID structures aimed at reading RFID labels and tags: pedestrian gates, logistics gates, tunnels, tables, smart shelves.
These structures are composed by antennas, readers, opional shielding from the best vendors and are managed through software developed by SmartRes.


As part of the infrastructure necessary in an RFID system, SmartRes designs and manufactures RFID reading gates, RFID reading tunnels, RFID tables, RFID shelves.

SmartRes also markets, installs, configures and maintains hardware from the best vendors in the RFID market; typical hardware used as components in the creation of complete systems:

  • RFID antennas and readers
  • RFID printers
  • Android RFID mobile terminals
RFID printers
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RFID printers

Resale, calibration, installation, programming and support of the major brands of RFID printers on the market.

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RFID mobile terminals
Il terminale RFID mobile consente di leggere i tag RFID.

RFID mobile terminals

Selection, resale, installation, programming and support of the major brands of RFID mobile terminals on the market.

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Fixed RFID antennas
L’antenna RFID è la parte del lettore che comunica con le etichette RFID.

Fixed RFID antennas

Selection, resale, installation, support of the major brands of RFID antennas on the market.

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Fixed RFID readers
I lettori RFID fissi sono lettori UHF personalizzabili che pilotano e gestiscono più antenne per una migliore lettura e personalizzazione.

Fixed RFID readers

Selection, resale, installation, programming and support of the major brands of fixed RFID readers on the market.

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